Saturday, February 5, 2011

I stand in a trance in the upstairs bathroom as I try to figure out who it is staring back at me through the mirror.  My bones ache from being ripped out of sleep at 3:30 by my nagging alarm clock.  I stare into half sleepy, half hollow eyes that I will eventually claim as my own.   As I splash warm sudsy water on my face I reflect on the day ahead….work is sending me to Vernal today, then I have school.  Patting dry my now clean face, I sigh.  It is going be a long day; thank God for coffee.


  1. i am all too familiar with this type of feeling. waking up while its dark, thinking where the heck did my night go? looking ahead to the day isn't much fun. you know you'll get it done, but you just would way rather lay around and do nothing, or at least go back to bed for a few more hours. sadly the only feeling of relief is if you wake up in the middle of the night, and look at the clock and see that there is still about four hours until you have to get up (at least for me that can be a great feeling).

  2. I couldn't have said it better myself! Waking up in the morning has got to be the worst feeling ever and I am just a zombie walking around until I get some food and coffee in me.

  3. I love your concept, the idea pulled me right from the beginning. You have a talent for writing that makes the stories interesting. Keep up the good work.
